Monday, November 5, 2012

If only...

If only I could actually put my thoughts in words on this damn computer screen.

Right now Lil C is screaming at me to turn on videos, and I'm really trying to concentrate on giving my readers (HI 2) something to laugh at me about.  I have no clue what I'm doing here.  I don't even know why I started this blog...knowing damn well I would never be able to keep up with it.  My life is insane, always.  The dull moments are never there, and if they are I'm way too busy to notice them.  I have the tv blaring in the background, crayons all over the floor, and a fit throwing toddler at least 95% of my time.  How often does anyone want to read about that.

I've decided I'm going to start to make this blog thing a ritual, around 9 pm, when the little monsters are sleeping.  I always have a hard time getting to sleep, cause my mind is racing (and my shows are on sometimes too, ssshhhh).  Maybe this new idea will help?  Maybe at that time when the insanity is over, I'll be able to collect my thoughts and share with you the importance of my day?  We can only hope right.  Or I can only hope.

I'm gonna try....see you later!

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